Analytics For Business

Saturday 3 October 2015

Add Google Analytics to Blogger

What is required?
1- A blogger account
2-  Google Analytics account
You can sign up for google analytics from following URL:

Step 1 – Create a blog if you don’t have it already.
Visit Blogger’s URL. And click on new blog.

Step 2 – Access Google Analytics webpage
Create a Google Analytics account, if you don’t have it.
After Creating the Google Analytics Account:
Go to Admin -> In Properties tab select Create New Property

Step 3 – Fill the details in New Property Screen
Select Website
Fill Website Name (Blog Name)
Fill Website URL (Blog’s URL)
Select Industry Category and Reporting Time Zone

Then Click on Get Tracking Id. You will be moved to following window. You can copy this Tracking Id.

Step 4 – Use this Tracking Id in Blogger’s Page
Now visit to Blogger page. Go to Settings then Click on Other. There you will find a box with name Analytics Web Property Id. Paste Tracking Id there. And save settings

Step 5 – After that you can login to you Google Analytics account and can see that you blog data in home tab.

Click on All Web Site Data under you blog’s name folder. You will be directed to Reporting window.

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